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CCX 4006

CCX 4006
CCX 4006
CCX 4006
CCX 4006
CCX 4006
CCX 4006
CCX 4006
CCX 4006
CCX 4006
CCX 4006
CCX 4006
CCX 4006 CCX 4006 CCX 4006 CCX 4006 CCX 4006 CCX 4006 CCX 4006 CCX 4006 CCX 4006 CCX 4006 CCX 4006

CCX 4006

Range: 4.0 octave, C4 – C8

Custom Classic Series 4000 Series

Our 4000 series are designed for the ‘gigging’ xylophone players. The frames, resonators and stands are modular and very easy to break down, transport and set-up. The unique ‘step on the pedal’ VCL System provides a total height adjustment in just seconds.


Vancore Custom Classic 4000 series… The ultimate in sound and quality!
Download the productsheet for all models, technical specifications, weights, sizes and packaging.

Download Productsheet


    • Vancore Nederland BV
    • Vancore Percussion Instruments is a trademark of Vancore Nederland BV
    • Tolhûswei 7a | 8501 ZP Joure The Netherlands
    • Showroom (op afspraak geopend)
    • Tolhûswei 7a | 8501 ZP Joure The Netherlands
    • Expedition
    • Vegelinsweg 18 | 8501 BA Joure Netherlands

    CCX 4006

    The perfect connection!

    Under this slogan we deliver a set of adaptors for the perfect set-up of all marching instruments and carriers. Imagine, having one universal system for all your marching instruments and carriers.

    These adaptors are produced using powder coated aluminum fitted with stainless steel fasteners. They are available with many different features for any instrumental use. For stability and performance, these products can’t be beat!!

    MCA700 Use: All our Snaredrums and Tenorsets
    MSA200 Use: Corps Custom and Lite Series Models
    MSA300 Use: Ultimate Tension and Ultimate Pipeband Series Models
    MSA301 Use: Ultimate Free Floating Vortex Drums
    MSA400 Use: Corps Custom Series except CC Lite Drums